Road trippin'!

Where will the road take you this summer? Currently, I'm on the road. No really, I'm typing as my husband drives down I-15. Where is this road taking us? To the beach in sunny southern California! It's a long awaited family vacation. We have the music up loud as we hum along the highway and, as usual, I have my sewing bag along for the ride. Life is good. While we're traveling, I hope to swing by a couple of quilt shops for three reasons - - 1) Hello! Quilt Shop! I absolutely love experiencing the flavor of each shop I enter. 2) Speaking of flavor, Row by Row begins today with the theme "Taste the Experience" so I hope to pick up some free row patterns. 3) Fabric License Plates! Many shops participating in the Row by Row have their own unique fabric license plate available to purchase and they are so fun to collect as you travel along the road. Corn Wagon is no exception! This year our license plate reads, "MK A QLT SNDWCH".... You know, like backing + batting + quilt top = quilt sandwich. Mouth watering, isn't it? We've seen these plates used in so many ways! They make darling bag accents, great quilt labels and even fit in well among quilt blocks to memorialize your travels. To find more stores carrying these fun collectables click here.

While at the beach, we will be celebrating my son's birthday and this quilt is going to be one of the gifts this ocean-loving boy will receive. The best part is, it was pieced by his younger brother! The 5 & Dime pattern by All Washed Up is perfect for beginning quilters and it's a great way to show off unique fabrics. How many of you remember the original Shark Attack quilt made by Shannon White for our beach party at last year's Shop Hop? We couldn't keep kits in stock! Well, Shark Attack is back! Along with the whimsical ocean themed fabric collection "I Don't Give a Ship" from Dear Stella Designs. We have kits! You'll find ships in bottles, lobsters, crabs, fish and seagulls in sailor sweaters. You'll even spot a mermaid or two! The ocean wave quilting by Emily Herrick and navy stripe binding carry playfully nautical personality to the finish.

Saturday Sampler 2019-20
Registration now open through July 15!
During our Saturday Sampler Demos for June, Chris Chamberlain shared this beautiful fabric bundle that will provide the inspiration for our 2019-20 Saturday Sampler beginning Sept 14th! Like past Saturday Samplers, this one's a mystery quilt designed by Amy McClellan. We can't show you what the finished quilt will look like but we can share this earthy jewel tone palette and tell you it will be more traditional in it's style. This block-of-the-month program will teach you about a variety of techniques and products as well as get you in on some great insider discounts. For all the rules and details and to register visit our website or come in for a visit.

From Amy Butler comes her final fabric collection, Natural Beauty. Amy's influence on the modern quilt movement has been immense. As a woman who encourages all to "create from your heart space," Amy's designs are genuinely her own. She has spent years drawing from her surroundings as well as those of a variety of cultures and it shows in her unique color choices and intriguing patterns. We are sad to see her leave the industry but know we will continue to experience her influence for years to come. Julie Hancock used a roll of 2 1/2" strips from this vibrant garden collection to piece the Ribbon Star quit by Missouri Star Quilt Co. We have kits and patterns! Be sure to look closely at the lovely custom machine quilting by Emily Herrick. It's as divine as all the other elements, making this quilt a Natural Beauty indeed.
Upcoming Sales & Events
Marvelous Monday Sale
Monday, June 24th - 25% off Precuts! That includes Jelly Rolls, Honey Buns, Layer Cakes, Charm Squares, Candy Squares and Fat Quarter bundles!
Don't forget to stop in and see what's on the porch at an extra deep discount!
Handwork Club
This weekly club is for anyone who would like to work on a hand stitching project while learning new hand stitching skills. We will learn a-stitch-a-week! This is a great opportunity to finish our own projects and relax with a fun gathering of sewing friends every Tuesday from 10:00am - Noon in our new School House.
Wrong Price Wednesday
Every Wednesday our pre-cut fat quarters are only $2.25!
Regular Price $3.25.
Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in our NEW school house.
Put yourself in Time Out at the Wagon. We all need Time Out from housework, phone calls, and everyday responsibilities. Come to “Time Out at the Wagon” and do just that. Bring a project and sew the day away with friends here at the shop. Marsha is looking forward to being in Time Out and hopes lots of you will join her.
Saturday Sampler
Please note we will meet the 2nd Saturday in July (13th)!
Kits will not be available for pick-up until that date.
Doors open at 9:00 a.m. for those registered in this mystery block of the month. Demos will take place as usual on the 13th with the first demo beginning at 9:15 a.m. and repeating every 30 minutes. Last demo begins at 12:45 p.m.
Thank you for supporting your local brick-and-mortar quilt shop!
We feel honored to be part of such a wonderful quilt-making community.
We hope you'll visit us again soon,
Jen and the Girls
at Corn Wagon Quilt Co.

We would love to hear from you!

While at the beach, we will be celebrating my son's birthday and this quilt is going to be one of the gifts this ocean-loving boy will receive. The best part is, it was pieced by his younger brother! The 5 & Dime pattern by All Washed Up is perfect for beginning quilters and it's a great way to show off unique fabrics. How many of you remember the original Shark Attack quilt made by Shannon White for our beach party at last year's Shop Hop? We couldn't keep kits in stock! Well, Shark Attack is back! Along with the whimsical ocean themed fabric collection "I Don't Give a Ship" from Dear Stella Designs. We have kits! You'll find ships in bottles, lobsters, crabs, fish and seagulls in sailor sweaters. You'll even spot a mermaid or two! The ocean wave quilting by Emily Herrick and navy stripe binding carry playfully nautical personality to the finish.

Registration now open through July 15!
During our Saturday Sampler Demos for June, Chris Chamberlain shared this beautiful fabric bundle that will provide the inspiration for our 2019-20 Saturday Sampler beginning Sept 14th! Like past Saturday Samplers, this one's a mystery quilt designed by Amy McClellan. We can't show you what the finished quilt will look like but we can share this earthy jewel tone palette and tell you it will be more traditional in it's style. This block-of-the-month program will teach you about a variety of techniques and products as well as get you in on some great insider discounts. For all the rules and details and to register visit our website or come in for a visit.

From Amy Butler comes her final fabric collection, Natural Beauty. Amy's influence on the modern quilt movement has been immense. As a woman who encourages all to "create from your heart space," Amy's designs are genuinely her own. She has spent years drawing from her surroundings as well as those of a variety of cultures and it shows in her unique color choices and intriguing patterns. We are sad to see her leave the industry but know we will continue to experience her influence for years to come. Julie Hancock used a roll of 2 1/2" strips from this vibrant garden collection to piece the Ribbon Star quit by Missouri Star Quilt Co. We have kits and patterns! Be sure to look closely at the lovely custom machine quilting by Emily Herrick. It's as divine as all the other elements, making this quilt a Natural Beauty indeed.
Upcoming Sales & Events
Marvelous Monday Sale
Monday, June 24th - 25% off Precuts! That includes Jelly Rolls, Honey Buns, Layer Cakes, Charm Squares, Candy Squares and Fat Quarter bundles!
Don't forget to stop in and see what's on the porch at an extra deep discount!
Handwork Club
This weekly club is for anyone who would like to work on a hand stitching project while learning new hand stitching skills. We will learn a-stitch-a-week! This is a great opportunity to finish our own projects and relax with a fun gathering of sewing friends every Tuesday from 10:00am - Noon in our new School House.
Wrong Price Wednesday
Every Wednesday our pre-cut fat quarters are only $2.25!
Regular Price $3.25.
Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in our NEW school house.
Put yourself in Time Out at the Wagon. We all need Time Out from housework, phone calls, and everyday responsibilities. Come to “Time Out at the Wagon” and do just that. Bring a project and sew the day away with friends here at the shop. Marsha is looking forward to being in Time Out and hopes lots of you will join her.
Saturday Sampler
Please note we will meet the 2nd Saturday in July (13th)!
Kits will not be available for pick-up until that date.
Doors open at 9:00 a.m. for those registered in this mystery block of the month. Demos will take place as usual on the 13th with the first demo beginning at 9:15 a.m. and repeating every 30 minutes. Last demo begins at 12:45 p.m.
Thank you for supporting your local brick-and-mortar quilt shop!
We feel honored to be part of such a wonderful quilt-making community.
We hope you'll visit us again soon,
Jen and the Girls
at Corn Wagon Quilt Co.

We would love to hear from you!