Sew Your Own "Dear Jane" with Corn Wagon!

First, we want to thank you for supporting our Quick Curve Ruler events! It was a delight to share an inspiring evening with Jenny Pedigo together with you. As the first of many trunk shows we plan to host in our new Horizon Retreat Room, we were very happy to fill the room with so many quilting friends! Having the Posh Penelope class the following day made for an excellent quilt-filled weekend. Thank you to Jenny for spending time and sharing her story with us.

One of our top goals here at the Corn Wagon is to provide you with inspiration, learning opportunities and the latest in new techniques. We would love to hear from you! What would you like to learn? Who are the must-see sewists that you would love to meet? In what ways can we make sure you have the best quilting experience while building your skills. We love to learn and we welcome your input. Send your ideas and suggestions to info@cornwagonquilts.com We have some fun plans coming your way as we build our fall and winter event schedule and we value your suggestions.

Speaking of learning new things... Bjorn Bear has been spending a little time in the library. He's squeezing in some end of summer reading before he heads back to school. Cymoni Whatcott pieced this rainbow of Bjorn Bears using a range of woven cottons and Elizabeth Hartman's adorable pattern. Computerized edge-to-edge quilting by Dorene Johnson through the Corn Wagon. Our kits include the Bjorn Bear pattern and fabrics for the 51" x 63" child sized quilt as shown above for $126.99 in-store now. How will you be spending the rest of your summer? I love to listen to audiobooks while my machine hums the day away, in between camping and gardening. Hopefully you can join Bjorn and I and get some sewing time in along with a few good books.
We have a few vendor stalls still available for our next S.A.B.L.E SALE! S.A.B.L.E stands for Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy. It's real. We know from experience and we want to help you out! Rent a parking stall for $25 and set up shop 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. with fabric, patterns, kits, notions, anything quilting related that you're wiling to part with. We'll get the word out! You bring the goods! Reserve your vendor stall today right here.

Dear Jane is one of those quilts that stops you in your tracks and leaves you speechless. It's meaningful history and captivating design has beckoned quilters the world over to create their own versions of this masterful work of art. Jane A. Stickle started creating the quilt during the civil war and completed over 169 blocks in 1863. The impressive sampler quilt is comprised of 169 square blocks, 4 pieced corner triangles, 52 pieced border triangles and a unique scalloped border. Altogether the original quilt contained a total of 5,602 pieces. Many of the blocks featured are commonly seen in quilts from this era, however many more are unique, drafted by a skilled needle worker with a mastery of geometry. Has Dear Jane been on your list?

Our own Karen Averett accepted the challenge. In fact, the gorgeous quilt shown here is hers. She worked steadily through an eighteen month program and finished the complete top in about two years. Having it recently quilted with beautiful custom work by Tonya Colbert through the Corn Wagon, we oohed and aahed... and talked Karen into teaching an eighteen month course right here at our Schoolhouse!
You see, several of us here at the shop have started a Dear Jane at one time or another but unlike Karen, have not kept a steady pace to finish. Her advice? "It's like eating an elephant, one bite at a time -- 18 months is realistic." This exciting opportunity will provide a monthly gathering (2nd Mondays, beginning in October, 6:00-7:30pm) for block instruction, tips and Q&A. Consider it a support group with other like-minded quilters who just need a little push to stay on target for a fabulous finish. A kit will not be provided as it's truly an ideal quilt for using your scraps as Jane Stickle did or kits you may have subscribed to in the past. Full details will be released next week along with the opportunity to register. Stay tuned by following us on social media so you can sign up ASAP. In the mean time, you can learn more about the original Dear Jane quilt here.

Upcoming Sales & Events
Saturday Sampler 2022 - Thoroughly Modern Mystery
Beginning Tomorrow, Saturday, August 13 at 10:00 a.m.
The next kit will be ready for in-store pickup beginning tomorrow! Remember, you have a one week window to bring in your previous month's finished blocks to receive this month's kit free. See you soon!
Magic Word Monday
Every Monday beginning June 20
Check our Instagram or Facebook page every Monday morning to find the Magic Word in our most recent post! Repeat the Magic Word at the register the same day it is posted and show us you follow us on social media to receive 20% off one regular price item of your choice! Some exclusions may apply. The Magic Word can only be used once per customer each Monday. Cannot be combined with other offers. Must be present in store or purchase by phone day of sale to receive discount. We will not hold items or pre-cut yardage for this special offer.
Handwork Club
Every Tuesday, 10:00am - Noon
This delightful weekly club is for anyone who would like to work on a hand stitching project while learning new hand stitching skills. It's a great chance to finish our own projects and relax with a fun gathering of sewing friends. No fee to attend. Simply come and join us!
Wrong Price Wednesday!
Every Wednesday our pre-cut fat quarters are only $3.00! Regular Price $3.75.
Time Out at the Wagon (Open Sew)
Every Wednesday, 10:00am to 4:00pm
Put yourself in Time Out at the Wagon in our School House located directly behind the quilt shop! At times we all need time out from housework, phone calls, and everyday responsibilities. Bring your current sewing project to “Time Out at the Wagon” and do just that. Marsha is looking forward to being in Time Out and hopes lots of you will join her.
Corn Wagon Quilt Co. will be CLOSED
Monday, September 5th for Labor Day
Thank you for supporting your local brick-and-mortar quilt shop!
We feel honored to be part of such a wonderful quilt-making community.
We hope you'll visit us again soon,
Jen and the Girls
at Corn Wagon Quilt Co.

We would love to hear from you!

One of our top goals here at the Corn Wagon is to provide you with inspiration, learning opportunities and the latest in new techniques. We would love to hear from you! What would you like to learn? Who are the must-see sewists that you would love to meet? In what ways can we make sure you have the best quilting experience while building your skills. We love to learn and we welcome your input. Send your ideas and suggestions to info@cornwagonquilts.com We have some fun plans coming your way as we build our fall and winter event schedule and we value your suggestions.

Speaking of learning new things... Bjorn Bear has been spending a little time in the library. He's squeezing in some end of summer reading before he heads back to school. Cymoni Whatcott pieced this rainbow of Bjorn Bears using a range of woven cottons and Elizabeth Hartman's adorable pattern. Computerized edge-to-edge quilting by Dorene Johnson through the Corn Wagon. Our kits include the Bjorn Bear pattern and fabrics for the 51" x 63" child sized quilt as shown above for $126.99 in-store now. How will you be spending the rest of your summer? I love to listen to audiobooks while my machine hums the day away, in between camping and gardening. Hopefully you can join Bjorn and I and get some sewing time in along with a few good books.

We have a few vendor stalls still available for our next S.A.B.L.E SALE! S.A.B.L.E stands for Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy. It's real. We know from experience and we want to help you out! Rent a parking stall for $25 and set up shop 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. with fabric, patterns, kits, notions, anything quilting related that you're wiling to part with. We'll get the word out! You bring the goods! Reserve your vendor stall today right here.

Dear Jane is one of those quilts that stops you in your tracks and leaves you speechless. It's meaningful history and captivating design has beckoned quilters the world over to create their own versions of this masterful work of art. Jane A. Stickle started creating the quilt during the civil war and completed over 169 blocks in 1863. The impressive sampler quilt is comprised of 169 square blocks, 4 pieced corner triangles, 52 pieced border triangles and a unique scalloped border. Altogether the original quilt contained a total of 5,602 pieces. Many of the blocks featured are commonly seen in quilts from this era, however many more are unique, drafted by a skilled needle worker with a mastery of geometry. Has Dear Jane been on your list?

Our own Karen Averett accepted the challenge. In fact, the gorgeous quilt shown here is hers. She worked steadily through an eighteen month program and finished the complete top in about two years. Having it recently quilted with beautiful custom work by Tonya Colbert through the Corn Wagon, we oohed and aahed... and talked Karen into teaching an eighteen month course right here at our Schoolhouse!
You see, several of us here at the shop have started a Dear Jane at one time or another but unlike Karen, have not kept a steady pace to finish. Her advice? "It's like eating an elephant, one bite at a time -- 18 months is realistic." This exciting opportunity will provide a monthly gathering (2nd Mondays, beginning in October, 6:00-7:30pm) for block instruction, tips and Q&A. Consider it a support group with other like-minded quilters who just need a little push to stay on target for a fabulous finish. A kit will not be provided as it's truly an ideal quilt for using your scraps as Jane Stickle did or kits you may have subscribed to in the past. Full details will be released next week along with the opportunity to register. Stay tuned by following us on social media so you can sign up ASAP. In the mean time, you can learn more about the original Dear Jane quilt here.

Upcoming Sales & Events
Saturday Sampler 2022 - Thoroughly Modern Mystery
Beginning Tomorrow, Saturday, August 13 at 10:00 a.m.
The next kit will be ready for in-store pickup beginning tomorrow! Remember, you have a one week window to bring in your previous month's finished blocks to receive this month's kit free. See you soon!
Magic Word Monday
Every Monday beginning June 20
Check our Instagram or Facebook page every Monday morning to find the Magic Word in our most recent post! Repeat the Magic Word at the register the same day it is posted and show us you follow us on social media to receive 20% off one regular price item of your choice! Some exclusions may apply. The Magic Word can only be used once per customer each Monday. Cannot be combined with other offers. Must be present in store or purchase by phone day of sale to receive discount. We will not hold items or pre-cut yardage for this special offer.
Handwork Club
Every Tuesday, 10:00am - Noon
This delightful weekly club is for anyone who would like to work on a hand stitching project while learning new hand stitching skills. It's a great chance to finish our own projects and relax with a fun gathering of sewing friends. No fee to attend. Simply come and join us!
Wrong Price Wednesday!
Every Wednesday our pre-cut fat quarters are only $3.00! Regular Price $3.75.
Time Out at the Wagon (Open Sew)
Every Wednesday, 10:00am to 4:00pm
Put yourself in Time Out at the Wagon in our School House located directly behind the quilt shop! At times we all need time out from housework, phone calls, and everyday responsibilities. Bring your current sewing project to “Time Out at the Wagon” and do just that. Marsha is looking forward to being in Time Out and hopes lots of you will join her.
Corn Wagon Quilt Co. will be CLOSED
Monday, September 5th for Labor Day
Thank you for supporting your local brick-and-mortar quilt shop!
We feel honored to be part of such a wonderful quilt-making community.
We hope you'll visit us again soon,
Jen and the Girls
at Corn Wagon Quilt Co.

We would love to hear from you!